Sunday 22 January 2012

Vibrant Red

Vibrant Red
The bush was always a busy place to be, so many cardinals in all.  Flying back and forth, singing our songs all around and searching for a wide variety of seeds.  Surrounding the bush were these houses for all the birds where seeds could be found.  Beyond the houses were the windows which gave a huge reflection of the bush to us all. 

I was so lucky to have found him.  Many suitors had come and gone but none won my heart.  Then he arrived.  With his markings and that vibrant red, he stood out in the bush from all the other males. You could see him from far away.  The song we sung was one with melody as he would begin I would reply louder and longer.  He would bring such a variety of seeds then begin to feed them to me.  Oh what a magical time.

I loved the windows we had in our bush, until that day.  When the sun was at its brightest, usually at dusk, he fought the hardest to avoid his own reflection.  Very protective of me he would thwart off other males at the first sign of their bright red breasts.  On that day he saw that red breast and flew at him.  Only it was his reflection in the window.  
I didn’t hear his song instead I heard a loud crash of glass breaking.

There he lay in the snow, he was gone.

Time has gone by, each day I would look off to into the distance searching for his vibrant red colors, but I would see none.  The bush was silent at least to me it was, for there was no song for me to reply to. My heart mourned the loss.

Now I find myself overwhelmed with suitors once again.  Bringing me seeds and singing to me, but none will ever be him, my Vibrant Red.

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